Alhamdulillah I'm engaged to mr.Ijul on the 20th November 2010 at my parent's place in Subang Jaya ! Alhamdulillah the event went well & smooth. And the preparation prior, were like a wheel. One day my mom & I were best friends. The day after we were in mute-mode. hehe ! (because I communicated with my mom most XD) and same goes to the people around us. Mixed of both bitter and sweet in preparing for the engagement. But the outcome was way beyond my expectations.
I can't thanked Allah the most for blessing me with great parents who has made every girl's dream of having a great engagement day true. And great siblings, great family, aunties, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews , grandma, grandaunties and granduncles, and friends who had supported me, helped me, wished me , prayed for us and celebrated with us.
I wished I could write more. Unfortunately , I have to be patient and continue later. I've got end posting exams tomorrow and the day after. So many things to share !! Be patient with me, alright?? =)
p.s.: we had a cake cutting for my dad since his birthday is of the 25th on November ! =)
Look forward for my next writings ! pai pai XD
yana, congratssss!!!! so happy 4 u!! =))
tahniah, kak ezyana~
is that eryanie? lama tak jumpa..
I'm looking forward to come to your wedding..(hopefully i'm having cuti that time :p )
fiqah: thank uuu fiqah aisyah ! =)
nora: thank youuu ! yup2 that is Eryanie. dtg la umah bile tgh cuti =)
congratulations Kak Ezyana on your engagement !
Thank you Athirah!
Mcm runaway project la..huhu
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