Saturday, November 27, 2010

all about e-day baju (pt 2)

We have this nice multiple colour precious stones pendant. And the biggest stone is yellow in color. (forgotten the name of the stone) . My mom was curious and worried a lil whether the pendant would match my baju. And I confidently said - "Don't worry ma, it will be nice ! and it will match purrfectly"

(pssssttt, sincerely.. I wasn't that confident but my 'instinct' said NICE =D)

Since the pendant had so many colors, my mom gave the idea to put a lot of colored beads on the baju. And, apart from the colored beads, she planned for the lace to be BLACK. because black stands out when combined to coral pink.. *hmmmmmmmmmmppphhhhhhhhh* I trusted my mom with the design but black lace is 50-50 for me.

My mom gave me a verbal picture how the baju will look like. I tried to picture it and had the effort to sketch them too. My mom described only one picture, but I took an effort to alter it and tried to have my own design. But more or less still similar to my mom's design. HEHE ! I'll improve on designing, don't you worry :P I even sketched them during CLASS !!!..

One day,I sketched it to my mom.

"Like this ma?"

My mom looked at my drawing , unsatisfied with my sketch. errr, excuse me madam,your daughter is not a designer ogayh.. :P

She said , "yep, something like dat".

Then she sketched another baju and asked "how about this?" .. "neehhhhhhh, I prefer your 1st idea." (the one I sketched)

It is difficult to actually make an engagement baju. You wouldn't want to be to grand but you want it to be nice. Baju that is not like a wedding baju, but still make people go "WOW" when they see it.

The next part would be messy ! See you soon ;)

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