Sunday, September 26, 2010

Final Semester, Here I come..

My seniors have just received their results and most of them that I know, all PASSED !
I'm SO ENVIOUS !! I just couldn't wait for my turn , next. InsyaAllah, if God permits me. Congratulations B17 doctors who made it !

Although passing MBBS is just like saying HELLO TO NO LIFE, but, it's worth all the 5-years effort. It's nice when people called u doctor when u actually are, rather than people called u doctor and you would reply -- "soon".. BOO !

My next posting is O&G (obstetrics & gynaecology). Its a medicine dealing with Women. Y'know: menstruation, pregnancy, labour, after labour, and all the disorders relating to ovary, uterus, cervix, vagina, etc.

am i looking forward ?
to learn- YES !
to experience- YES !
but to meet with the faculty members - a BIG FAT NO NO !

urgh, i don't know why I dislike the faculties in MMMC . Let's just put the complains aside.

O&G for final year students will be different. We would be expose with many labours, would be given an opportunity to be in labour room from 9pm to 9am which is GREAT, really ! because most babies were born in the middle of the night. And final years could also deliver babies, deliver placentas or do per-vagina examinations. I, would love to try those.

Allah's greatest creation could be seen clearly during O&G posting. How a cell grow to become a human, how a small organ like a uterus (rahim) could expand enormously during pregnancy, and how it became near to normal size immediately after labour, how God Almighty has made the mothers forget the pain they went through labour cause really if He does not erase the pain memory , none of the mothers would want to have another baby. How great is that?

If u ask a mother - is labour painful? how severe/bad is the pain ?
They would answer: VERY PAINFUL. But none could describe, coz the memory has faded.

none will. until the next labour comes, they will experience it again and would forget bout the pain after and the cycle repeats. =)

I say HELLO to final semester. My vision for this semester is to learn everything thoroughly and to pass with ease.
My missions are :-

*to dump myself in the library everynite.
*to be attentive during posting
*to control myself from going back home every weekend.

My missions sounded impossible to achieve. But atleast I have the effort to have a mission,
right ? eheh !


wawahebat said...

kak ezyana!! all the best. n thnks for sharing. <3

Unknown said...

final already?wow.surviving the medical student years is crucial for your life.ONG eh..i like it alot. because mothers are almost always happy.eventhough the excruciating pain and screeming at the labor room and everybodys running here and there.the moment is that when u hold the baby first out of its could they be so small...take a look at their toes.sooo small. a friend of mine said to me..arent you going to get bored looking at !@#$%....crazy dude.didnt even noticed it.
but hey,do tell when u get the first baby kay?

norashikin rahmat said...

ganbatte for the final year, kak ezyana.. may Allah be with you :)

norashikin rahmat said...
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Chocolate Lover's Soul said...

Thanks all for the goodluck wish !!

John : I will try to gather all the strength & courage to conduct labor. and I am sure will share it once i succeed in it.. I doubt it will be during my student years though.. fear i might drop the baby or rupture the lady's urethra or something. HAHA !