Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I don't get it.

I don't get it when people wanted me to join in discussion, but when idea been told , it would be rejected straight without any considerations.

I don't get it , why people have to raise voice, over a potato.

I don't get it, why people transverse anger to the innocent ones, just so that they feel better.

I don't get it, when I answered, they would say I'm being disrespectful. When really, I was just answering your questions.

I don't get it..

Although, I don't get it.. Although, I hate it.. I feared of becoming the person I dislike. One day, it will be the other way round. Where people would say the same things over my actions.
that they DON'T GET ME.

I don't get it. Cause really, I am 5 years old.


Unknown said...

alalala yunk..jgn stress sgt k?sabar je :)

norashikin rahmat said...

hye2, kak ezyana :)
i love reading your blog. your silent reader since a month ago. hehe.

keep writing,coz.

Chocolate Lover's Soul said...

Nora: hey cousin ! so sweet of u ! thank u for ur support and compliment :)

Fatin: thanks babe !