Monday, September 6, 2010

Life is...

A friend once told me
" Life is too short to achieve everything "

If u took accountancy, u will be doing accountancy & prolly business. Same goes to teachers, lecturers, engineers etc.

However, I feel that by doing MBBS (bachelor in medicine and surgery), you can choose whether to practice medicine (with a whole lot of diversities) , manage hospital by taking up hospital management later, do lab works eg pathology, do forensic medicine, do business, or become a politician (like Tun Dr.Mahathir).

Being said that, does not mean that a doctor could achieve all of the list mentioned in his life. True?

I had another friend, who loved to try everything. She tried working as an accountant, working in Forex, joining one of the political party, and etc2.

someone asked , " why do u kept changing your occupation?"
she answered , "because i wanted to experience the feeling of each. feeling of being the top in corporate companies, or being part of politicians. Not that I wanted to become a politician nor a corporate manager for the rest of my life "

Fair enough .. It is true though,, It is impossible to know everything in one time living.
You can never learn about astrology if u were to learn about engineering.
Or to know about human medicine when u took up animal medicine. etc etc etc..

unless if u have the perseverance to take many many degrees and work at many many places ..
of course you could learn a little bit of everything, but just a little bit. True, no?

Allah's knowledge is mighty enourmously wide .. MashaAllah..


Unknown said...

to think of it,u r gona end up in medical field for the rest of ur life.sure u wanted it so badly at first,then 2nd 3 rd and so thoughts came.but anyways, its not as bad as u think.the stress keeps u going.
btw, i have bookmark ur page.good reading!

Chocolate Lover's Soul said...

John: you seemed to have experiences.. in medical field too, may i presumed?
and thank u ! =)

Unknown said...

yeah.quite. i love reading people's thoughts.and they are mostly the same as,giving opinions to u is like giving myself opinion.

but at least,ur not some typical medical students i know.soooo nerdyyy!