Tuesday, October 19, 2010

we were there, yesterday. but we are here, now.

Time's ticking too fast that I've just realised that we all have grown up. So mature. So tall (or some remain small). So pretty. So elegant. So stylish. So independent. So responsible. So emotional too =p ?

When we were young, we could not wait to grow up. To become an adult. To work. To cook.

And so we played "cooking" ,"doctor-patient", *police and thief" and don't be surprised some of us acted like spice girls then. and power rangers too !

NOW? Most of us have already reached adulthood. Some still adolescent. I am an adolescent (for your information).

And friends that have started working are lazy to go to work.
Friends who are still in universities been complaining how workload is a torment.
Friends studying overseas are lazy to go out and eat, and even lazier to cook.
Medical students who eagerly wanted to become a doctor, at least to act like one were also not interested doing so.
We were totally screwed UP!

What happened through the journey of becoming an adult? As an optimist, one should think that life is too short to complain and to regret. But another pessimist would say , I HAVE NO LIFE ?

Ok what ever it is, life goes on right? But that is not the main thing that I wanted to write.

The questions that kept popping in our minds would be.......

Are we ready to become an adult? Would u be able to handle things without your parents? Are we ready to take all the responsibilities? Are we ready to pay all the bills? Manage our own account? Getting married? Raising up a kid? or children? Managing everything....ALONE.
and When would we consider ourselves adult-enough?

some of us are blessed with partners, some are not and few others prefer to live alone ,But serious speaking, we all need to build our own ground. To have a stable ground to start with. To have our own vision and mission. Each one of us need a base. Let it be a guy or a girl.

It just striked me when I was brought back to the past. When last time - I was a school kid, and then a bigger school kid, a junior medical student and now the senior most. and soon to be a DOCTOR. OMAIGOD !

I was a flower girl. and then a telur person. and now .... dot dot dot.


Not a wife yet la, silly !

We are still growing. It is unstoppable. It is beyond our power to stop things from growing or to make a clock stop and freeze. BEYOND!

All we can do is try to become an OPTIMIST.
Because, you will only be ..
15 once.
18 once.
21 once.
30 once.
and if God permits us to have a long life, 100 ONCE. Whatever age we are now, at current , it would only be ONCE.

Yesterday occured ONCE. It will not repeat.

Hence, cherish every moments. Enjoy every work you are doing. Complain a bit, cry a little, and then move on.

And to all kids who may read this blog, ENJOY every moment of being a KID ! enjoy school and stop complaining about early rise, stingy prefects, annoying friends, or about getting bullied. JUST ENJOY !

P.S : To my beloved sister, Eryanie Effandie -- All the BEST for your Examinations !! You can do it !!

Sorry if I offended anyone in my writings. Have a great day !


norashikin rahmat said...

ya rite, coz! itwas the best of times, it was the worst of times....just, indulge every moment! ^-^

cHiN said...

like this one!

Jatin Sethi said...

chocolate day pic hd