I was driving back from Melaka, I was bypassing a van and the van was filled with a family. The dad and sons were wearing 'songkok' and there were baju raya hung at the back of the van.
They must be on their way back to their hometown, i thought. *smiled* I could not stare at them for more than 2 seconds as I was driving, mind you ..hehe..
And through out the way, I stared on my road and the opposite. Both packed. Suddenly I remembered the post my cousin put up on her facebook wall, advising people to drive safe to their hometowns as she will be on-call tonight.
Accident & Emergency ( A&E ) department were at their peak,, especially during festivals. Giving me an idea on my new post.
DRIVE SAFE ! Everyone would advice.
But DRIVE SAFE does not register any clear picture in mind. To make people understand, advices should be more specific and in-detail.
On the highway, there are 3 lanes max and 2 lanes minimum. Fast drivers would prefer to be on the right lane but even if you're driving audi, porsche, mercedes, BMW, volvo and all the supercars, you should remember that even how fast your car is, how good the brakes are, how strong the body of the car built, how good airbags would deployed.. The force of impact is equal to velocity of speed.
Your car will be just like a regular metalpiece when you are driving at that speed. That speed would mean 160km/h or even, more than 200km/h.
I know i know, I'm not the best person to be giving this advice as I, myself drive exceeding the speed limit. But hey, I CARE ABOUT YOU, OKAY? and i do care about myself too.
When you drive fast, it's difficult for you to make quick decision especially when there is a sudden obstacle appeared infront of you. (slow cars would reach the obstacle at a slower pace). The only thing you could do is to jam the brakes , fast and hard. OH, if you're smart enough, you would shift the gear down and break. BUT at times when you're panicky, anything could happen.
It is also difficult to control your car when you're at a high speed.
If you're driving fast, you would be braking most of the time when you reached a slower cars ahead of you. You will be consuming more oils by doing so. Hence, why speeding at 180km/h and brake 100times on 3hour journey, when you could drive at 140km/h - constant speed without braking? You would reach to your destination , the same time as the constant 140km/h drivers. SAME TIME-SAVE FUEL
And fast drivers should be on RIGHT LANE ONLY. Not overtaking from left lane. Because, drivers seldom look at their left side mirrors. and if the car on your right suddenly shift lanes when you are overtaking them.... *you are welcome to imagine what will happen*
OK enough of those fast drivers. SLOW drivers are those driving within speed limits or way below speed limits. They should be on the left lanes .. Not on the right most lane.
Because when you are SLOW like a SNAIL, you'll be causing trouble for the fast drivers as they had to brake continuously, you'll be making their journey slower , and you will be making them insanely mad !! Why not just lower down your ego, and be on the left lane instead? Safe the trouble for everyone , will it not?
Some drivers love to put on high beam lights. HELLO? I know the road is freaking dark , but please be considerate as other drivers could not wear dark shades to avoid your bright lights while driving in the dark.. ! and IT CAUSES SEVERE HEADACHE & EYEACHE. To stare on the dark road beyond, but indirectly their vision is also glared by the bright light on the rear mirror. Or even worst , if that car is on the opposite road.
Another immature drivers , who does not know how to predict the speed of the car approaching them from the right lane, would abruptly change lanes . WORST if they did not signal before doing so. OHMY, SERIOUSLY? because of your immaturity, you may cause an accident. Please dear drivers, LOOK-SIGNAL-DECIDE-DRIVE.
We are all human beings and the only language we could understand is human language. WHO ON EARTH SPEAKS CAR LANGUAGE? Please don't assume others would understand your car language when you don't signal.
It's easy. The button is on the left or right side of your wheel. Just flick it, and the signal light will be on. IS IT DIFFICULT?
Don't tail-gate. You will not know when the car you are tailgating emergency brakes.
Don't sway when you are driving. If u feel like swaying, go to the playground already and play on the swing. Ask your wife or friend to sing you a lullaby.
PLEASE. If you are tired, have a rest, have a coffee. JUST STOP and REST. Don't continue your journey when you are having a fatigue mind. Fatigue mind has slower duration of response, not alert and may cause danger to yourself, the person riding with you and other cars . STOP and REST.
Please be careful with motorcyclist. Signal to let them know if you are changing direction. Let them pass before you , to avoid any accident. And sometimes they don't have brake lights on their bike, so please be extra careful.
And motorcyclist should avoid riding behind the bus. I know the wind blowing on your face is ANNOYING and shielding behind a bus would be comfortable but please avoid this. Sudden stoppage of the bus would cause big trouble for a smaller vehicle like you.
Remember that your hometown is not going anywhere. They are there, waiting for you to come back safely. But if anything happens to you, you will not return, forever.. How much despair it might cause to the loved ones? to the ones waited for your return? and the trouble you may cause to other drivers? to the loved ones riding with you?
I may not know what future has written for me. But I do know, each lives are important. Each of us are equal. Each of us is a someone to somebody.
I've changed. From 180km/h to 140km/h. I've become more patient in driving. I'd kept adequate distance from the car in front of me.
I've changed to become a better person. When is your turn?
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri !