Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I'd crushed my sister's dream in my previous post hence I deleted it. Aww sis, Didn't mean to hurt u :P

I've received my induction letter last week to attend induction course held on 3rd may (today) till 6th May. I appealed to defer.
I was pretty tight up with wedding preparations and catching up with friends last week and only come to realize that I need to follow up ! and I only realized that on Friday NOON!

I rushed to call them but it wasn't easy that day.

and monday was a public holiday! bummed !

Just few minutes ago, I called ministry of health again to double check, because the previous officer that I talked to on Friday was a lil stingy and strict and made me feel extremely horrible for postponing. The officer allows and asked me to call again once I'm ready to attend.

phew ! A HUGE relieved ! The thought of not been able to postpone tortured me through out my weekend.

To all my colleagues , Good Luck on attending induction course and all the best pursuing work as a Doctor !! So excited for all of you !! I wished I could join you all today! I'll see you in one of the hospitals hopefully. Hoping for some tips later ya ? Take care & keep in touch !

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