Our brain stops developing when we reached 25 for the ladies and 27 for the gentlemen. Develop in the sense to become more mature in decision making. That is why, at the early 20's, we might have numerous doubts in life. Ambivalence they called it.
Maybe No..
erm, i was wrong. Maybe NO.
aaaahhh, just go for it. YES it is.
THAT's the example for ambivalence.
Unfortunately, we need to make a huge decision at that stage when we are not mature enough.
Choosing a career & deciding which occupation to pursue in, which boy/girl shall one choose to be their life partner.
Don't worry, I'm not bragging about the choice I've made. To get married at the age of 24 years old. Nothing to brag of, because choice made was pretty affirmative =p
It is HUGE that most of us had to choose their career at the age of 18. Pretty ridiculous too! Mind boggling and torturing.
And that is where parents play their role. Choosing what they think is best for their kids, future & family.
I’ve got nothing much to complain. But because I was having pretty tough adolescent-hood throughout my university life, I deserve to grumble.
Not to say that I was not blessed enough. Truly, I am! However perfect a picture is, there is always a BUT in it.
Some of us are lucky enough to like what they chose. Few were unlucky that they thought they like and found out that they didn’t like what they chose and have a passion for something else. Some felt as if been forced to do things that they have no passion into, and yet have no other choice. A number of them are passionate, but have difficulties to make it through.
As for me, I am passionate to take medicine & Alhamdulillah, I can cope with them. I love medicine so much I would not mind staying in the hospital all day. I like medicine since I was a kid. Even though my parents encouraged me and was a little pushy during the applications, I still can’t deny it that I could not picture myself other than being a doctor.
The big BUT in this picture is that, I’m not happy. I’m happy when I’m in the hospital, learning new stuff, seeing cool signs and symptoms. But I’m not happy at the environment I’m in. God, how I wished my crazy best friends would have taken the same course as I did. I wished for that almost every day.
It is insane really, to complain. Not like I don’t have friends in Melaka. I have. Many!
Some are pretty cool and most of them are nice. But, it is just not the same.
Then, I felt much motivated. I see them study, I get motivated. They see me study, they get motivated. We would race till who would last longer through the night. And we would envy those with big eye-bags, because we know she studied too hard that she did not sleep.
In the university, for the past 4years ++, I’ve been alone almost all the time. But I loved being alone. Everybody has their things to do, errands to run and schedule to obey. I would hate it if someone were to disturb me. Hence, alone is good for me.
All of us have one goal, to pass MBBS. I like it when we had extra classes and group studies. But when we don’t, I don’t benefit much. I’m such a mess when I’m alone. Thank God I have pretty good hippocampus.
That is why I always asked if my friends would want to study together. BUT THEY ALWAYS PREFER TO BE IN THEIR ROOM! honestly, it is nice to be in the room ! I loved being in my room ! so comfy.
And then, I would forced my best friends to accompany me online. One in Japan, another in Damansara, and the other in Klang. Forced them to force me study. Make them stay awake until I finished studying! pfft. pathetic !
Also, I get motivated when I see my uncle does his work in his clinics, or when I’m with my cousins talking about medicine. But, I’m lacking these motivations.
So, how do we solve this? A person who is extremely passionate, but lack of motivation.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Nuffnang has put up a new advertisement on mix.fm whereby when you click this, you can drop some suggestions to help them improve their services in terms of songs & games & activities.
I feel FLY & HITZ are too overated. They play similar songs again and again. And wouldn't you agree if I say, they play club musics almost all the time ? it's like being in a club/bar when you're actually in the car. No wonder some kids go road-rage , head banging and jumps up and down in the car. Blame the musics played on air, I guess :P
Oh well, Hits & Fly has their ups already. Let us give Mix.fm a new leaf to turn to. Help them improve. Participate and who knows you might be the lucky few to get iPhone4 ! XD
I feel FLY & HITZ are too overated. They play similar songs again and again. And wouldn't you agree if I say, they play club musics almost all the time ? it's like being in a club/bar when you're actually in the car. No wonder some kids go road-rage , head banging and jumps up and down in the car. Blame the musics played on air, I guess :P
Oh well, Hits & Fly has their ups already. Let us give Mix.fm a new leaf to turn to. Help them improve. Participate and who knows you might be the lucky few to get iPhone4 ! XD
100 plus and lamb is not a good combo
Do not eat black pepper burger with milo drink. I tried it once and it is just like eating purgatives.
Do not eat lamb with 100plus or any gassy drink for that matter. Your stomach feels like its gonna burst any time and your head spins so hard, you can hardly walk in a straight line. :P
I might exaggerate a lil' , but I extremely hate this feeling ! I ate them at 12noon and still feels discomfort up to midnight on the same day !
Do not eat lamb with 100plus or any gassy drink for that matter. Your stomach feels like its gonna burst any time and your head spins so hard, you can hardly walk in a straight line. :P
I might exaggerate a lil' , but I extremely hate this feeling ! I ate them at 12noon and still feels discomfort up to midnight on the same day !
Sunday, November 28, 2010
all about e-day baju (pt 3 : final)
Lesson that I've learnt is to not do tailoring LAST-MINUTE !!!!
I mentioned earlier that I bought my material in late September. My mom & I planned to send it to the tailor early October but our tailor was pretty laid-back. Everytime we informed her that we wanted to send those materials, "Got time. Send it one month before", she said.
A month prior to engagement, My mom instruct me to go to the tailor and get my measurements. We couldn't go together as she was tight up with some events & activities , and I won't be in KL on weekdays. Hence the lone-ranger to the tailor.
I went to see aunty Tailor, and she took my measurements. I told her the design my mom & I had decided with.
2 days later, when I was in Melaka, my mom brought the materials and went to meet Aunty Tailor. My mom described the design in detail and wanted a black lace. Aunty Tailor disagree with the black lace and recommended a similar color to the baju for the lace. ( pheewww,, THANK YOU AUNTY TAILOR !! =D)
My mom left the tailor shop, went to seek for the lace in KL.
Returned to Aunty Tailor's place.
Unfortunately, the lace had gold thread embedded in it. My mom thought Aunty tailor could remove them manually. BUT, she didn't want to do the work.
Hence, my mom , Ewanina, bibik & I removed the threads till it's clean.
Returned to Aunty tailor's place. Lace is SET !
2weeks before my engagement, I went for fitting (Before she place the beads).
BUT.... another problem appeared.
We went to buy the materials , remember? but we totally forgotten about the lining for the arms. We bought lining for the body but not the arms ! yikes~
My mom rushed to get the lining for the arms.
Mom returned to the Aunty Tailor's shop. All set.
TAILOR FORGOTTEN THE EXACT COLORS OF THE PENDANT !!!! so she doesn't know which beads to choose .. OH-EMM-GEE..
My mom brought the pendant to the tailor's place. Chose the colored beads together with Aunty Tailor.
And started the beads work a week prior to engagement.
A WEEK OK???? How was I not 'cacing kepanasan' in MELAKA? mygoodness..
Girls, please. Note my word. NO LASTMINUTE BAJU !
We trusted her work. Hence, I tried my best to calm myself at 144 km away from home.
Alhamdulillah, she did not fail us.

I collected my Baju a day before my engagement day.
-end of Baju story-
and now, do you agree when I say, this baju holds a lot of story in it ? =)
p.s. : I missed this drama already ! AND is indeed anxious for the upcoming preps.
I mentioned earlier that I bought my material in late September. My mom & I planned to send it to the tailor early October but our tailor was pretty laid-back. Everytime we informed her that we wanted to send those materials, "Got time. Send it one month before", she said.
A month prior to engagement, My mom instruct me to go to the tailor and get my measurements. We couldn't go together as she was tight up with some events & activities , and I won't be in KL on weekdays. Hence the lone-ranger to the tailor.
I went to see aunty Tailor, and she took my measurements. I told her the design my mom & I had decided with.
2 days later, when I was in Melaka, my mom brought the materials and went to meet Aunty Tailor. My mom described the design in detail and wanted a black lace. Aunty Tailor disagree with the black lace and recommended a similar color to the baju for the lace. ( pheewww,, THANK YOU AUNTY TAILOR !! =D)
My mom left the tailor shop, went to seek for the lace in KL.
Returned to Aunty Tailor's place.
Unfortunately, the lace had gold thread embedded in it. My mom thought Aunty tailor could remove them manually. BUT, she didn't want to do the work.
Hence, my mom , Ewanina, bibik & I removed the threads till it's clean.
Returned to Aunty tailor's place. Lace is SET !
2weeks before my engagement, I went for fitting (Before she place the beads).
BUT.... another problem appeared.
We went to buy the materials , remember? but we totally forgotten about the lining for the arms. We bought lining for the body but not the arms ! yikes~
My mom rushed to get the lining for the arms.
Mom returned to the Aunty Tailor's shop. All set.
TAILOR FORGOTTEN THE EXACT COLORS OF THE PENDANT !!!! so she doesn't know which beads to choose .. OH-EMM-GEE..
My mom brought the pendant to the tailor's place. Chose the colored beads together with Aunty Tailor.
And started the beads work a week prior to engagement.
A WEEK OK???? How was I not 'cacing kepanasan' in MELAKA? mygoodness..
Girls, please. Note my word. NO LASTMINUTE BAJU !
We trusted her work. Hence, I tried my best to calm myself at 144 km away from home.
Alhamdulillah, she did not fail us.

I collected my Baju a day before my engagement day.
-end of Baju story-
and now, do you agree when I say, this baju holds a lot of story in it ? =)
p.s. : I missed this drama already ! AND is indeed anxious for the upcoming preps.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
all about e-day baju (pt 2)
We have this nice multiple colour precious stones pendant. And the biggest stone is yellow in color. (forgotten the name of the stone) . My mom was curious and worried a lil whether the pendant would match my baju. And I confidently said - "Don't worry ma, it will be nice ! and it will match purrfectly"
(pssssttt, sincerely.. I wasn't that confident but my 'instinct' said NICE =D)
Since the pendant had so many colors, my mom gave the idea to put a lot of colored beads on the baju. And, apart from the colored beads, she planned for the lace to be BLACK. because black stands out when combined to coral pink.. *hmmmmmmmmmmppphhhhhhhhh* I trusted my mom with the design but black lace is 50-50 for me.
My mom gave me a verbal picture how the baju will look like. I tried to picture it and had the effort to sketch them too. My mom described only one picture, but I took an effort to alter it and tried to have my own design. But more or less still similar to my mom's design. HEHE ! I'll improve on designing, don't you worry :P I even sketched them during CLASS !!!..
One day,I sketched it to my mom.
"Like this ma?"
My mom looked at my drawing , unsatisfied with my sketch. errr, excuse me madam,your daughter is not a designer ogayh.. :P
She said , "yep, something like dat".
Then she sketched another baju and asked "how about this?" .. "neehhhhhhh, I prefer your 1st idea." (the one I sketched)
It is difficult to actually make an engagement baju. You wouldn't want to be to grand but you want it to be nice. Baju that is not like a wedding baju, but still make people go "WOW" when they see it.
The next part would be messy ! See you soon ;)
(pssssttt, sincerely.. I wasn't that confident but my 'instinct' said NICE =D)
Since the pendant had so many colors, my mom gave the idea to put a lot of colored beads on the baju. And, apart from the colored beads, she planned for the lace to be BLACK. because black stands out when combined to coral pink.. *hmmmmmmmmmmppphhhhhhhhh* I trusted my mom with the design but black lace is 50-50 for me.
My mom gave me a verbal picture how the baju will look like. I tried to picture it and had the effort to sketch them too. My mom described only one picture, but I took an effort to alter it and tried to have my own design. But more or less still similar to my mom's design. HEHE ! I'll improve on designing, don't you worry :P I even sketched them during CLASS !!!..
One day,I sketched it to my mom.
"Like this ma?"
My mom looked at my drawing , unsatisfied with my sketch. errr, excuse me madam,your daughter is not a designer ogayh.. :P
She said , "yep, something like dat".
Then she sketched another baju and asked "how about this?" .. "neehhhhhhh, I prefer your 1st idea." (the one I sketched)
It is difficult to actually make an engagement baju. You wouldn't want to be to grand but you want it to be nice. Baju that is not like a wedding baju, but still make people go "WOW" when they see it.
The next part would be messy ! See you soon ;)
all about e-day baju (pt 1)
arghh..! I'm done with psychiatry posting. Hopefully, done for good ;) And.. end posting exam went well too, Alhamdulillah.
I got engaged on 20th November as mentioned in previous post. I was super duper tempted to complain and nag and bug in the blog about the preps , but I've got to be patient. Cause a single leak is no fun ! XD hehe!
This is...

yes.. my Engagement baju. well, partly..
Here's the full version..

close up..
and.. I don't think you get to see them clearly in those pictures. Still waiting for more pixies from mr.photog. Will update you with better photos soon.
That baju holds a lot of story. ABSOLUTELY SERIOUSLY A LOT.
I told my mom that I wanted a simple baju (SIMPLE?) .. but yehhhh, simple in the sense that I could wear it for other occasions in future e.g. weddings and events etc. A nice baju for my engagement and be able to wear it in future. Hence , the kurung-look-alike baju =p
What do you think of the color? NICE is it not?
*clears throat* eheeeemmmmmm
I chose the color ! thank you for complimenting ! So sweet of all of youuuu ! ;)
It's a coral pink color, in case any of you wonder.
I really really fell in love with this color long time. I told the wedding planner that I love this color and would want to use it for wedding. (ps: we pick wedding color 1st , to save the best color for the last. )
But according to her, coral pink is a difficult color. Difficult to attain. Thus, she adviced me to go coral for engagement since the props won't be much for engagement. Hence, I agreed. My mom agreed. And at current, I'm scratching head for the wedding color :P
fyi, I chose C06, but slightly darker tone. Coral has few tones and most of them looked orangy. But I specifically asked for a coral pink.
When you see that color, you may wonder whether is it pink, or is it orange? it's really nice to have that combo!YUMMEH ! ..
We hunt for the color, after risik (risik: was on the 8th of August) & after done discussing with our wed-planner. ( i called her wedding planner, coz engagement planner sounded not so nice don't u think?)
We went to one shop. my mom would pick a material and asked " is this the color " ?
"No, ma.. that's orange.."
" is it this color ? " ... " No, ma.. that's pink . "
I repeatedly show her the color on the internet. Bought a color printer just to print THAT color. And still, the same questions would be repeated when we entered subsequent shops.
We went to Singapore , on the 3rd day of Raya. My mom gave one brilliant-interesting idea to pick a ribbon with the color that I wanted !
We went to hunt for the ribbon. Found it.. Cut it .. Cut it half ; one for me, one for my mom.
phewww.. her brilliant idea relieved us from the misery.. Since then, the " is this the color " question did not arise as frequent as previous.
Ok, the frustrating part was, almost all shops in KL don't have that color. The color that I wanted.
Euromoda? Jakel? Nuh-uh.. ZILCH ! there was but it was satin. I wanted chiffon.
Late September, my mom and I went to Jakarta to browse around. I prayed, alot. I prayed for our journey would be eased by Him. and Alhamdulillah, it did.
I've found the exact color, exact material (better actually) with a very reasonable price in JAKARTA ! all the way from Jakarta DUDE my material. HELO-HELO, it's ALHAMDULILLAH ok? I alhamdulillah all the way when I found what I wanted. I was extremely happy. And I got one for Ijul too, but different material. Hence his color differs by few tones.
And , eventho I got the color that I wanted, the lining played tricks here. If I pick the same color of my choice for the lining, it wouldn't be coral pink. It would be more on the orangy tone. And the color that I wanted, would not striked-out. Hence, I picked pink for the lining. Mind u, it's not the striking pink. Slightly darker tone of pink, almost similar to rose-pink.
( pink is so awesome they've got bountiful tones !! )
This picture is the closest view to the color of the baju that I have at the moment.
Story about the Baju has not end yet. Will be continued..... =)
I got engaged on 20th November as mentioned in previous post. I was super duper tempted to complain and nag and bug in the blog about the preps , but I've got to be patient. Cause a single leak is no fun ! XD hehe!
This is...

yes.. my Engagement baju. well, partly..
Here's the full version..

close up..

and.. I don't think you get to see them clearly in those pictures. Still waiting for more pixies from mr.photog. Will update you with better photos soon.
That baju holds a lot of story. ABSOLUTELY SERIOUSLY A LOT.
I told my mom that I wanted a simple baju (SIMPLE?) .. but yehhhh, simple in the sense that I could wear it for other occasions in future e.g. weddings and events etc. A nice baju for my engagement and be able to wear it in future. Hence , the kurung-look-alike baju =p
What do you think of the color? NICE is it not?
*clears throat* eheeeemmmmmm
I chose the color ! thank you for complimenting ! So sweet of all of youuuu ! ;)
It's a coral pink color, in case any of you wonder.
I really really fell in love with this color long time. I told the wedding planner that I love this color and would want to use it for wedding. (ps: we pick wedding color 1st , to save the best color for the last. )
But according to her, coral pink is a difficult color. Difficult to attain. Thus, she adviced me to go coral for engagement since the props won't be much for engagement. Hence, I agreed. My mom agreed. And at current, I'm scratching head for the wedding color :P

When you see that color, you may wonder whether is it pink, or is it orange? it's really nice to have that combo!YUMMEH ! ..
We hunt for the color, after risik (risik: was on the 8th of August) & after done discussing with our wed-planner. ( i called her wedding planner, coz engagement planner sounded not so nice don't u think?)
We went to one shop. my mom would pick a material and asked " is this the color " ?
"No, ma.. that's orange.."
" is it this color ? " ... " No, ma.. that's pink . "
I repeatedly show her the color on the internet. Bought a color printer just to print THAT color. And still, the same questions would be repeated when we entered subsequent shops.
We went to Singapore , on the 3rd day of Raya. My mom gave one brilliant-interesting idea to pick a ribbon with the color that I wanted !
We went to hunt for the ribbon. Found it.. Cut it .. Cut it half ; one for me, one for my mom.
phewww.. her brilliant idea relieved us from the misery.. Since then, the " is this the color " question did not arise as frequent as previous.
Ok, the frustrating part was, almost all shops in KL don't have that color. The color that I wanted.
Euromoda? Jakel? Nuh-uh.. ZILCH ! there was but it was satin. I wanted chiffon.
Late September, my mom and I went to Jakarta to browse around. I prayed, alot. I prayed for our journey would be eased by Him. and Alhamdulillah, it did.

And , eventho I got the color that I wanted, the lining played tricks here. If I pick the same color of my choice for the lining, it wouldn't be coral pink. It would be more on the orangy tone. And the color that I wanted, would not striked-out. Hence, I picked pink for the lining. Mind u, it's not the striking pink. Slightly darker tone of pink, almost similar to rose-pink.
( pink is so awesome they've got bountiful tones !! )
This picture is the closest view to the color of the baju that I have at the moment.
Story about the Baju has not end yet. Will be continued..... =)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
i'm engaged !!

Alhamdulillah I'm engaged to mr.Ijul on the 20th November 2010 at my parent's place in Subang Jaya ! Alhamdulillah the event went well & smooth. And the preparation prior, were like a wheel. One day my mom & I were best friends. The day after we were in mute-mode. hehe ! (because I communicated with my mom most XD) and same goes to the people around us. Mixed of both bitter and sweet in preparing for the engagement. But the outcome was way beyond my expectations.
I can't thanked Allah the most for blessing me with great parents who has made every girl's dream of having a great engagement day true. And great siblings, great family, aunties, uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews , grandma, grandaunties and granduncles, and friends who had supported me, helped me, wished me , prayed for us and celebrated with us.
I wished I could write more. Unfortunately , I have to be patient and continue later. I've got end posting exams tomorrow and the day after. So many things to share !! Be patient with me, alright?? =)
p.s.: we had a cake cutting for my dad since his birthday is of the 25th on November ! =)
Look forward for my next writings ! pai pai XD
Thursday, November 18, 2010
She is one unique sister. Let me tell u little something about her.

* She hates it if she is the center of attention e.g blow a cake for birthdays or taking pictures when there are so many people looking at her. And also when people were to compliment her. SHE HATES IT.
* She hates camera. So if u see her smiling in photo, that is definitely a special photo. because, SHE HATES CAMERA !!!!
* She loves icecream.. But she likes it MELT. If it is frozen, she would wait till it melts.
* She is one hell of a great RECORDER. if she wants something, she would repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat ,regardless of your response.. UNTIL SHE GETS IT !!!!!

this was taken in pavilion, after she continuously bragged for this "fairy" outfit. After my Aunty has bought for her, she insisted to wear it there and then.pfft! Can u please imagine the embarrassment I've gotta deal with at that time??
* She loves to drink milk. She drinks milk ALL THE TIME. "NAK SUSU NAK SUSU NAK SUSU" she would say. There was once, she ate the powder milk from the milk tin when my mom ignored her sfter she asked for milk.. Omg , cheeky lil girl she is !!

have i told u that she is good with computers as well?she is ! infact, she is BETTER than our daddy.
* She loves noodles.. and anything that looks like a noodle. taugeh is a noodle to her.
* She loves chicken .. even if it is spicy.
* We all thought she would cry infront of a crowd since she hates it when people were to stare at her. But the other day during school concert, she puts up a very blunt face and she did her routine well.. she did not cry, AT ALL ! i'm so proud of her.
* She loves anything to do with princesses. Princess' shows, princess' outfits , princess everything. You call her princess, and she will SMILE endlessly ! hehe
* Lastly, she had lost few hairs due to her habit of tangling them in her fingers. and she does that often when she is about to go to sleep. If u see her doing that, means she is sleepy Heheeh ! she gets that from ME XD twirling the hair in the fingers.
muaaahhhhhxxx! can't wait to kiss u when I get back..
* She hates it if she is the center of attention e.g blow a cake for birthdays or taking pictures when there are so many people looking at her. And also when people were to compliment her. SHE HATES IT.
* She hates camera. So if u see her smiling in photo, that is definitely a special photo. because, SHE HATES CAMERA !!!!
* She loves icecream.. But she likes it MELT. If it is frozen, she would wait till it melts.
* She is one hell of a great RECORDER. if she wants something, she would repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat ,regardless of your response.. UNTIL SHE GETS IT !!!!!
this was taken in pavilion, after she continuously bragged for this "fairy" outfit. After my Aunty has bought for her, she insisted to wear it there and then.pfft! Can u please imagine the embarrassment I've gotta deal with at that time??
* She loves to drink milk. She drinks milk ALL THE TIME. "NAK SUSU NAK SUSU NAK SUSU" she would say. There was once, she ate the powder milk from the milk tin when my mom ignored her sfter she asked for milk.. Omg , cheeky lil girl she is !!
have i told u that she is good with computers as well?she is ! infact, she is BETTER than our daddy.
* She loves noodles.. and anything that looks like a noodle. taugeh is a noodle to her.
* She loves chicken .. even if it is spicy.
* We all thought she would cry infront of a crowd since she hates it when people were to stare at her. But the other day during school concert, she puts up a very blunt face and she did her routine well.. she did not cry, AT ALL ! i'm so proud of her.
* She loves anything to do with princesses. Princess' shows, princess' outfits , princess everything. You call her princess, and she will SMILE endlessly ! hehe
* Lastly, she had lost few hairs due to her habit of tangling them in her fingers. and she does that often when she is about to go to sleep. If u see her doing that, means she is sleepy Heheeh ! she gets that from ME XD twirling the hair in the fingers.
muaaahhhhhxxx! can't wait to kiss u when I get back..
Friday, November 12, 2010
Today, a task was given to me which was to perform an act of "hysteria" for afternoon tutorial class. Topics given were very interesting. All related to culture-bound psychiatric problems e.g. Latah, Amok, Trance, Hysteria and Koro.
I am very much familiar with hysteria as it is very common in boarding school and camps. Hence, they asked me to demonstrate..pfffftt.. !
First of, let me start with hysteria as general. We all , or at least most of us believe that hysteria is due to an external spirit which enters one's body and causes that person to act violently, aggressively & out of control.
But actually, hysteria is not due to outer spirits. It is purely psychological. It is due to over-stressed and uncontrolled emotions which lead oneself to exert in such violent manner. That is why, it is very common in boarding school, among factory workers and at camp sites.
I remembered one of my friend told me when a hysteria was going on, that I should not go near if I'm not strong. "Because the spirit is able to jump from one person to another person especially into the weaker ones."
After learning psychiatry, and put a little logic of what my friend was once told me, it is not due to spirit jumping around. Simply because, if you're not strong, you may exert the same way as your friend did. You and the "hysteria" person is staying at the same place with same people doing the same daily activity , hence the stress factors might be the same.
I really feel hysteria is a way of getting the attention of others. No offence
And how they handled it , usually by reciting religious words from the Book they practiced , hoping to cure that person and make the spirit goes away. Psychiatric speaking, there is no spirit in hysteria. And this method of treatment is a way to actually calm that person.
Another way to treat is to remove the hysteric person from the group, to avoid mass hysteria.
If you have seen one, you might realized that it always occur prior to major examinations. And, don't get hysteria wrong from 'rasuk' . It is different. I think.
I acted well and definitely was proud of myself. I was worried if I might make a fool out of myself, but I did not. I tried my best to remember what I saw in 5 to 10years back, and get the "stress" aura.
I was definitely worried if I might scare them off. Hence, gave them warning before-hand- "this is going to be violent, and loud. Please be prepared" ..
Some of them start covering their ears, scared I might blow their ear drums. Some start laughing. and some just waiting...
I tried to concentrate. "I really need to do this well. If not, they wouldn't feel how i felt when i saw hysteria" ..
When I start acting, all kept quite. One of them laughed , I don't know why this friend of mine exert quite inappropriate affect. So, I scare him with a stare and asked him a question in a different, angry voice. " APA KAU BUAT KAT SINI !!! " He got scared ! hehe..
mission accomplished !
My friend took video of me, but somehow the video went missing after I acted.......................................................
I am very much familiar with hysteria as it is very common in boarding school and camps. Hence, they asked me to demonstrate..pfffftt.. !
First of, let me start with hysteria as general. We all , or at least most of us believe that hysteria is due to an external spirit which enters one's body and causes that person to act violently, aggressively & out of control.
But actually, hysteria is not due to outer spirits. It is purely psychological. It is due to over-stressed and uncontrolled emotions which lead oneself to exert in such violent manner. That is why, it is very common in boarding school, among factory workers and at camp sites.
I remembered one of my friend told me when a hysteria was going on, that I should not go near if I'm not strong. "Because the spirit is able to jump from one person to another person especially into the weaker ones."
After learning psychiatry, and put a little logic of what my friend was once told me, it is not due to spirit jumping around. Simply because, if you're not strong, you may exert the same way as your friend did. You and the "hysteria" person is staying at the same place with same people doing the same daily activity , hence the stress factors might be the same.
I really feel hysteria is a way of getting the attention of others. No offence
And how they handled it , usually by reciting religious words from the Book they practiced , hoping to cure that person and make the spirit goes away. Psychiatric speaking, there is no spirit in hysteria. And this method of treatment is a way to actually calm that person.
Another way to treat is to remove the hysteric person from the group, to avoid mass hysteria.
If you have seen one, you might realized that it always occur prior to major examinations. And, don't get hysteria wrong from 'rasuk' . It is different. I think.
I acted well and definitely was proud of myself. I was worried if I might make a fool out of myself, but I did not. I tried my best to remember what I saw in 5 to 10years back, and get the "stress" aura.
I was definitely worried if I might scare them off. Hence, gave them warning before-hand- "this is going to be violent, and loud. Please be prepared" ..
Some of them start covering their ears, scared I might blow their ear drums. Some start laughing. and some just waiting...
I tried to concentrate. "I really need to do this well. If not, they wouldn't feel how i felt when i saw hysteria" ..
When I start acting, all kept quite. One of them laughed , I don't know why this friend of mine exert quite inappropriate affect. So, I scare him with a stare and asked him a question in a different, angry voice. " APA KAU BUAT KAT SINI !!! " He got scared ! hehe..
mission accomplished !
My friend took video of me, but somehow the video went missing after I acted.......................................................
Monday, November 8, 2010
damon is my vampire boyfriend
I'm a fan of series,, particularly English series. Currently, I'm following:-
*One Tree Hill
*Grey's Anatomy
*Private Practice
*Vampire Diaries
*How I Met Your Mother
*America's Next Top Model
And I will make sure I'm up-to-date for each current/latest episodes ..
Vampire diaries is simply the best among all series. One reason for sure is because of Damon Salvatore. OMG OMG ! I sounded so kid-ish to write about someone in a movie whom I admire, would die for and dream of !
Ok, so initially, before vampire diaries existed, there were few vampires series. One of the hot ones in the past was Buffy, the vampire slayer. I, however did not follow Buffy. One of the reason would be, boarding school = no access to tv and its all about study-study-study endlessly.
And then comes Twilight. So, Edward Cullen was supposed to be the hottie, right? But twilight turned me down after the subsequent second and third part of the movie.
I was introduced to vampire diaries by my sister, Eryanie. (i think) ..
When I watched VD, it interest me in totally different angle. One thing for sure, VD can't be compared to Twilight. After watching VD, twilight is just a movie that could be laughed at. SERIOUS ! NO QUALITY AT ALL. TOO fictional. Illogical vampire love stories. Not interesting. It fits me.
Damon Salvatore has the most interesting character in VD. Initially, I was more for the brother. But later, Stefan Salvatore irks me.
I watch too much series till i feel like I'm in it. I wish Damon is just next door. gggggggggggggggggggggg..
girls, meet my vampire boyfriend- Mr.Damon Salvatore *grinsssss* !

I don't mind if you have the same feelings for Damon, just don't spoil my fantasy OK?
( my mom may say - "apa nak jadi dengan anak aku" after reading this post ) hehehe..
Can't wait for the next episode !!!!
*One Tree Hill
*Grey's Anatomy
*Private Practice
*Vampire Diaries
*How I Met Your Mother
*America's Next Top Model
And I will make sure I'm up-to-date for each current/latest episodes ..
Vampire diaries is simply the best among all series. One reason for sure is because of Damon Salvatore. OMG OMG ! I sounded so kid-ish to write about someone in a movie whom I admire, would die for and dream of !
Ok, so initially, before vampire diaries existed, there were few vampires series. One of the hot ones in the past was Buffy, the vampire slayer. I, however did not follow Buffy. One of the reason would be, boarding school = no access to tv and its all about study-study-study endlessly.
And then comes Twilight. So, Edward Cullen was supposed to be the hottie, right? But twilight turned me down after the subsequent second and third part of the movie.
I was introduced to vampire diaries by my sister, Eryanie. (i think) ..
When I watched VD, it interest me in totally different angle. One thing for sure, VD can't be compared to Twilight. After watching VD, twilight is just a movie that could be laughed at. SERIOUS ! NO QUALITY AT ALL. TOO fictional. Illogical vampire love stories. Not interesting. It fits me.
Damon Salvatore has the most interesting character in VD. Initially, I was more for the brother. But later, Stefan Salvatore irks me.
I watch too much series till i feel like I'm in it. I wish Damon is just next door. gggggggggggggggggggggg..
girls, meet my vampire boyfriend- Mr.Damon Salvatore *grinsssss* !

I don't mind if you have the same feelings for Damon, just don't spoil my fantasy OK?
( my mom may say - "apa nak jadi dengan anak aku" after reading this post ) hehehe..
Can't wait for the next episode !!!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
come home quick mama !
I find it amusing to see my dad, when his spouse is not around...
My mom went overseas with her friends for 3days 2nights and he already looked lost.
On the 1st night when my mom was not around...
* Ezyana, let's go for a&w.
* I'm lazy pa. Let's stay home.
* ALAAAAA, boring la u ni...
While I was eating dinner..
*I'm going out
*Where are u going?
*to Kelana Jaya. I want to drive around kelana jaya
*huhhh??? drive ? only driving around??
* yaaaa, BORING !!!!!!!! i wanna go out !
* ok pa, love u.
And he actually went to WQ park to help my uncle for his opening ceremony which is held the next day.
Phew, I'm a lil relieved. At least he has something to do than wandering around with the car.
and when he reached home..
* I want to sleep outside infront of the TV. Can u prepare the mattress for me.
* ok...
psssttt, actually.. he is scared to sleep alone in his room.. HEHE ! it's a secret. Let it stay between you & me. PROMISE?
And he slept alone outside. Ellyssa & I slept in my room , and Ewanina was with her friends in the other room.. tsktsktsk..
The next morning he went out to get us breakfast.
On the 2nd night, I gave the idea to eat dinner at Empire, Subang Jaya.
OK-OK, it wasn't entirely my idea.Twas my boyfriend's suggestion. He said, "kesiyan your dad, go ajak him dinner? " .. And mind you, This boyfriend INSISTED ok? insisted. not only giving idea, but forced me to make sure my dad goes out for dinner.. -____- .. how lovely he is, my bf , isn't he?
So we went out for dinner. He didn't complain that bored this time. But he still sleeps outside on the 2nd night. hehe!

Ma, he misses u.. ! glad u're coming back tomorrow.. =) Love you both !
My mom went overseas with her friends for 3days 2nights and he already looked lost.
On the 1st night when my mom was not around...
* Ezyana, let's go for a&w.
* I'm lazy pa. Let's stay home.
* ALAAAAA, boring la u ni...
While I was eating dinner..
*I'm going out
*Where are u going?
*to Kelana Jaya. I want to drive around kelana jaya
*huhhh??? drive ? only driving around??
* yaaaa, BORING !!!!!!!! i wanna go out !
* ok pa, love u.
And he actually went to WQ park to help my uncle for his opening ceremony which is held the next day.
Phew, I'm a lil relieved. At least he has something to do than wandering around with the car.
and when he reached home..
* I want to sleep outside infront of the TV. Can u prepare the mattress for me.
* ok...
psssttt, actually.. he is scared to sleep alone in his room.. HEHE ! it's a secret. Let it stay between you & me. PROMISE?
And he slept alone outside. Ellyssa & I slept in my room , and Ewanina was with her friends in the other room.. tsktsktsk..
The next morning he went out to get us breakfast.
On the 2nd night, I gave the idea to eat dinner at Empire, Subang Jaya.
OK-OK, it wasn't entirely my idea.Twas my boyfriend's suggestion. He said, "kesiyan your dad, go ajak him dinner? " .. And mind you, This boyfriend INSISTED ok? insisted. not only giving idea, but forced me to make sure my dad goes out for dinner.. -____- .. how lovely he is, my bf , isn't he?
So we went out for dinner. He didn't complain that bored this time. But he still sleeps outside on the 2nd night. hehe!
Ma, he misses u.. ! glad u're coming back tomorrow.. =) Love you both !
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Ladies, have you ever experienced pain over the lower abdomen, near the inguinal region? The pain is dull-aching (senak) in nature, and you have difficulties to walk with a straight posture thus you prefer walking while bending your body forward a little. It is very similar to appendicitis ( inflammation of the appendix )
I've encountered that frequently. They say, it is because of frequent handling with heavy objects which causes the female organ to descend ("they" means the elderly). I accepted their views and thoughts since I wasn't that knowledgeable then. The elderly sayings make logic sense anyway. But, I've encountered it too frequently and it did not correlates with carrying heavy objects either. hmpphhh..
My question was answered when I'm in clinical years in medical school. This pain is actually called "Mittelschmerz". It is a mid cyclical pain which corresponds to ovulation. For people with regular cycle of 28 days, they will get the pain at day 14th.
Unfortunately, my cycles are not regular. Sometimes 30 days, sometimes 34. But the cool part is, our menstrual period is divided into two phases. Phase before ovulation i.e. follicular phase and the second phase is after ovulation i.e. secretory phase. The second phase is constant 14days but the follicular phase is irregular.
So, when I get the pain, I will calculate and after 14days, I'll get my menses =)
And the pain alternate sides. One month it'll occur on the left and the next month on the right and so forth.
I'm not sure what is the cause of this pain. and why only some would experienced this pain when they ovulate, and some don't.
Ovulation : a mature ovarian follicle ruptures and discharges an ovum (also known as an oocyte, female gamete, or casually, an egg) ; wikipedia.org
I've encountered that frequently. They say, it is because of frequent handling with heavy objects which causes the female organ to descend ("they" means the elderly). I accepted their views and thoughts since I wasn't that knowledgeable then. The elderly sayings make logic sense anyway. But, I've encountered it too frequently and it did not correlates with carrying heavy objects either. hmpphhh..
My question was answered when I'm in clinical years in medical school. This pain is actually called "Mittelschmerz". It is a mid cyclical pain which corresponds to ovulation. For people with regular cycle of 28 days, they will get the pain at day 14th.
Unfortunately, my cycles are not regular. Sometimes 30 days, sometimes 34. But the cool part is, our menstrual period is divided into two phases. Phase before ovulation i.e. follicular phase and the second phase is after ovulation i.e. secretory phase. The second phase is constant 14days but the follicular phase is irregular.
So, when I get the pain, I will calculate and after 14days, I'll get my menses =)
And the pain alternate sides. One month it'll occur on the left and the next month on the right and so forth.
I'm not sure what is the cause of this pain. and why only some would experienced this pain when they ovulate, and some don't.
Ovulation : a mature ovarian follicle ruptures and discharges an ovum (also known as an oocyte, female gamete, or casually, an egg) ; wikipedia.org
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
jakun nyeeeeee..
I'm at home currently, and the internet at home is super-fast ! super-awesome UNIFI , we had subscribed to.
What I did for the last few hours was updating my blog, search for cool widgets and insert them into my blog. cool stuff I tell u. I didn't know by typing into Google for "chatbox for bloggers" will get numerous results and answers. I'm a lil noob, mind you ! I seldom use google to search for all of these ..
I thought, Blogger should provide us with these cool widgets.
So, there's a chat box or shout box I've added here, in my blog. In case you are bored, want to communicate with me or other readers, have suggestions or comments regarding previous post & etc etc, feel free to shout it there =) it's easy. No signing up needed.. ! Cool-stuff !
What I did for the last few hours was updating my blog, search for cool widgets and insert them into my blog. cool stuff I tell u. I didn't know by typing into Google for "chatbox for bloggers" will get numerous results and answers. I'm a lil noob, mind you ! I seldom use google to search for all of these ..
I thought, Blogger should provide us with these cool widgets.
So, there's a chat box or shout box I've added here, in my blog. In case you are bored, want to communicate with me or other readers, have suggestions or comments regarding previous post & etc etc, feel free to shout it there =) it's easy. No signing up needed.. ! Cool-stuff !
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
20 years , maybe..
Diamonds are girl's best friend. Jeweleries are girl's second best friend. But both fall under similar group - girl's accessories. They add the beauty in us, don't they?
However, they are girl's best friend when the girls can afford to have it, to own it. Window shopping and trying it on, forming a picture behind our head when we wear it, dreaming of owning these diamonds are one dreadful feeling!! Or be a little nice by saying, "you'll be my bestfriend in 20 years time, ok?"
My mom & I went to one of the jeweleries store last weekend to browse around for herself and also for myself. I usually go to these stores when my mom is around to bring me. Honestly speaking, I don't have the guts to look around and ask if I can try it on knowing that my pocket is near empty. Unless if it is the normal , affordable stores e.g. diva's, monet, madam butterfly, weekend market @ curve & etc.
And so when I browsed around , tried on a few. My heart skipped many many beats when I looked at the price. All the nice ones are all above 10K. Even some reached 100K. Oh my..
And just guess what did i do at that moment ?
Really I'm not that embarrassed to tell .. We all have a story to share , don't we?
It is not that funny trust me.
A little childish , probably.
I don't know. You tell me after I tell you. OK?
I took my phone out, pretending as if I was using the phone to sms.. (can guess what i did already?)
YES ! hahaa! I clicked on the calculator, calculate my salary next year, minus all future expenses, divided by 12 to see how many years more do I have to wait. People who invented hand-phones are very smart to have added calculator in it. I do this, ALL THE TIME.
SICK ! HATE ! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i hate going out with my mom , dreaming of getting these expensive things that I know, I've gotta wait. PATIENCE KILLS ! shut-up positive motivating optimist ! I'm all pessimist now.. =(
That's all i've gotta share. For now, real diamonds are not my bestfriend. I'll make them my bestfriend when I can own a Ferrari.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Hospital is hazardous...
Working in a hospital, exposed us to all kinds of danger. I personally never have thought of that. Until I've reached final year, when my working life is just right at the corner......
We, the innocent, young ones in the past, when been asked why did we choose of becoming a doctor. And majority of us answered - to save people & to help people.
And when reality really hit us, we would have doubts many many many many times. No doubt of that one.
Let's just stick to the word "hazardous"
Hospital harbors bacteria which are very resistance to antibiotic treatments. Resistance would mean, these bacterias are very strong that normal antibiotic would not work. Of course when we are all fit and strong, we would not get the infection easily , or we would manifest in a milder way. But when we transmit to a weaker person, the person might manifest severely.
In easy words -- the strong bacteria infects the strong u -- > u'll get a flu..
You transmit the flu to a weaker person ---> person gets pneumonia.
I've experienced a bad cough, it took 3weeks to recover. I got the cough from pediatric ward when the ward was swamped with pneumonia kids. My phlegm was all green and yucky and i coughed terribly. I go home every weekend and somehow, I think i transmitted it to my mom.
She was caught with severe cough for 3MONTHS ! She took multiple antibiotics but it did not recover as fast. Sorry mama =(
secondly.. Why hazardous? We take blood and insert lines everyday. We are predispose to needle-prick injury and hence, at risk of HIV or hepatitis B or C infection if we accidentally poke ourselves after drawing blood from infected patients. The risk of getting these infections are small ~1% . But 1 is still a number.
Trust me, injury happens. It is not as easy as u think it is.
Thirdly.. hazardous because we are exposed to TB patients especially in the medical wards. Some would say, if your body is strong, you won't get TB. but how strong are u ? even a normal person with sound immunity system gets the infection. We would wear mask, but it is really difficult to explain. When they come to us, they complained of cough. The doctor will talk for 1hour maybe, to get the history right before diagnosing? and only then you realized its a TB. OH-NO. dingdong !
Xrays are used not only in Xrays room. But sometimes in the wards for patient who are bed-ridden. And in Operating Theater especially during orthopedic surgery. Exposure to Xrays is hazardous OK?
The last , final thing i could think of is medicolegal issues. It is HAZARDOUS, no kidding. Medicolegal and ethical issues are just mind torment. I would not explain much because there are too many things that fall under this category.
Patient go wrong, the family bombard you with many many questions --> not satisfied--> court of law..
Or, doctor managed wrongly -->court of law.
Or, patient wanted to kill himself - can't take the suffering of the disease, asked help from doctor --> doctor in dilemma
( purpose is to help, so is killing a patient to reduce the suffering is helpful? ) dilemma sux !
Or, patient got raped, asked for an abortion where medicolegally, we are prohibited to do so. Dilarang sama sekali !(again, wanted to help but can't) Unless,if to be pregnant is dangerous to the mother.
Study medicine is massive. Work is massive too! I would not say doctor has the worst , terrible most and toughest job ever. But, it would be nice to have people around that understand us. And it is not just doctors that are exposed to these hazards. But also the nurses and medical attendants too !
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