Monday, January 10, 2011

i prefer to study at home

1. Food is always available. No need to crack my head where to eat for dinner & saved money & saved the complains on the not-up-to-taste food. Trust me, nothing beats home food.

2. I focused more at home. Maybe because there are too many distractions that make me focus more when I study before I start re-distracting myself again. Get the point? neh, it's ok if u're confused. I am confused with myself either.

But at the hostel, I find my laptop very friendly. At home, I wouldn't bother at all ! Like what am I doing now exactly? babbling why home is better than hostel. tsk

3. I have my sisters to bully when I am stressed. Oh, I so love this! best hobby e-vah ! to bully.

4. Home has many many spaces. I can study in the living room, at the kitchen, at my brother's or sister's room, at my parent's room, my room.. everywhere. Just take my book , and study. So nice !

At the hostel? it is just me, bed and table. AWESOME ... *smirk*

Last year, I did my study break at home. full 2weeks ++ .. and it was GREAT !
but this year, I wonder if it is worth to go home.

Last year was easier as the gap between theory & clinicals were 10 days apart, and we had theory 1st. 3weeks study break merely focused on theory part. And clinics during the 10 days break.

But this final examinations will have 3weeks study break too but only 2days break btwn theory & practical. Theory first but only 2 days break before long & short case examinations. Need to study theory and also need my friends for clinical practices. Home has no friends to practice with. =(

dilemma.. or I have no choice but to suck it up & stay at hostel during study break. *sigh*

1 comment:

Wan Anom Wan Aris said...

good-good!Indeed you can study anywhere @ anytime.
But till now...i cant study or do writing at home. Home is for sleep+TV..yeepeee!!