This disturbs me.. Which would I choose for pain relief while in labor.
There are 3 types.
- gas , layman calls it laughing gas whilst we medical ppl call it enthonox.
It acts by giving some relief of pain but what I think is that it made u high in some way where ur mind dont really focus on the pain. Some vomits taking the gas, but most still feels the pain even by inhaling the gas.
-opioids. Most often they give is pethidine , injected most commonly on the buttocks.
Painful !! And it also acts as sedative. Actions are pretty slow, some feels really sleepy when they are fully and bearing down. Still, most do feel pain but treshold varies. Better as compared to gas.
The drawback of pethidine is that not only it made u , the one in labor sleepy. It also made the baby sleep. Baby sometimes come out not crying as active as they are sedated by the meds, but we usually give antidote right after baby was born to the baby.. and sometimes, CTG in labor may shows sleeping pattern (not convincing) and some practitioner, they wouldnt want to risk it and opt for caesarean section..
Lastly.. epidural
The best pain relief, ever ! No doubt. Eventhough very few might still perceive pain bt mostly are satisfied with it.
My colleague recently delivered this morning, she took epidural when she's dilated 4cm. She slept soundly till she was fully dilated ! She did not feel any pain at all and she was satisfied. Eventhough to get the baby out takes longer time, but she was pain free the whole time ! She fully recommends epidural to me ..
What scares me is not feeling the pain. Because that pain makes u push for the baby to come out. And instrumental delivery is high when u take epidural. Since effort is poor , baby cannot be inside for too long so to aid the baby out, ended up with vacuum or forcep.
I have no idea what to go for pain relief. Really no idea !!!!!
I was just hoping that my pain is severe only when im more than 6cm dilated, and not to wait too long ?
Or.. I was hoping that I would have high pain treshold and when the pain comes, Ill try to distract myself with packing or cooking or watching tv or walking till the pain is once every 3 mins ? Hmm..
Clueless ... gas will be my only choice for now thou. Im just afraid if i regret not taking epidural when im already more than 6cm dilated. and they will not allow for epidural at that time
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