date aku reach home sweet malaysia. seperti mimpi menjadi realiti setelah berbulan berfantasi. excited amat! terlalu excited , buat aku nervous for tomorrow's final practical.
tapi, happiness hanya sementara. that's life bukan?
i've realized i've been such a useless person, friend, senior and petsis. (i'm cute rite XD )
haha! it was so funny when amal asked me lastnite to treat her for lunch. belated birthday that is. then i replied -- "oh, did i wish u?" and she said -- "NO!" ezyana: oops.. errr your birthday was 30.01? amal: SALAH and i guessed for another 2 dates and got it all wrong *blushed* her birthday was 15.01 ! miahaha! ok ill rmmbr this one for real .. teeheheheehe! i really have a bad memoir! sorry missy!:) hence, ill shall treat u for lunch :) some burger place. i forgot. u'd mentioned last nite.
Last night, the Americans were making so much noise. Kit sze (my neighbour) buzzed me at skype, complaining how noisy they were. Few hours later, she sent me this song. Suddenly i felt so young again. This song was very popular during our primary days. Then she sent me some other elite songs eg Manisnya senyumanmu. Later she start downloading some funny songs e.g Ikan kekek , Jet jet semut.. hahahaha! We had fun =) Didn't know she enjoys malay songs. --> something in common<--YAY! ^^
Eryanie is my sister.. 2nd in the family she is.. Well, since the day i 1st start writing my blog is the day she'd left malaysia to newzealand, hence i thought of writing about.
ERYANIE is the laziest bumm ever.. she is totally the opposite of me.. i'm the neat tidy organized etc. everymorning she will be the one listening to loud musics, blasting the aircond to the fullest regardless she's in her room or not.. her bed would be fully coated with her clothess and bagss and books and the list goes on.. after shower, her towel and her dirty clothes will be tumbled either on the floor or somewhere not at a place where they should be. since we shared bathrooms, i would be yaakking my voice , nagging like a super nanny to ask her to take her stuffs..
But she is the sensitive one.. Me and my bro always tag team and bullied her.. she took our jokes seriously and we took her jokes seriously. But i wouldn't say i didn't know how to joke. of course i DO! so i would blame her for not knowing how to tell and accept jokes :D well, kakak rite! so im the SUPERIOR ehem! we'd been schooling eversince kindergarten together.. my mom and dad would asked me to take care of my sister as im the eldest yada yada yada.. i would give my partial angellic face and nodded (as if i would take care of her). when we arrived school, i would say "you jangan kacau i" .. tehehe! or give the face not to be anywhere near me. but then, as evil as i can be.. i always protected her.. if her friends bullied her, stole her things or seniors bulying her, she would tell me and i would be there for her and tell the person off.. (p.s im a prefect =D and a senior ) well, that was when we're in primary..but in secondary, probably friends influenced me much. she created problem one night that i scolded her infront of her friends n my friends.. scolded her as if she's nobody..but i never say sorry after.. because what she did, is wrong.. but i pondered upon it after, that it would be better if i would've settle it in a better way and not screaming at her infront of everyone. well, things happen. that was 5 years ago. but even how mean i am towards her, she always would come to me and i would be there to give advice n lift up her spirits time passes, people eventually grew more matured. they said "bonds between sisters are unbreakable" .. so are we .. but that doesn't mean there're no fights *wink*well eryanie, i truely am going to and am now missing you soo much.. i will miss all the fights n screams , good and bad times together.. hope even how far the distance is, we will always be together as one..remember your family always as you will always be in our heart ;) Love you and all the best !